
BPE - Business

Customer Culture - Process - Quality

The transformation of the Economy : Structural and Conjunctural Changes

The transformation of our economy is accompanied by an evolution of organizations that leads to change the modes of representation of the company by the actors (customer Culture, quality, process)...

This will add a style of management that he will also known mutations.

It will have to answer four main logics:

         * A logic of construction
         * A logic of prescription
         * A logic of adaptation
         * And a logic of crisis

We are therefore led to transform ourselves, to renew ourselves, to adapt ourselves to this new situation and, consequently, to rethink our life position.

The objective will therefore be to move towards an autonomy which is based on:

  • Capacity of Consciousness
  • Capacity of Spontaneity 
  • Capacity for Privacy
For some, this represents a risk in the light of the uncertainties caused by this upheaval. Fear (this renewal) can be legitimate (no short-term visibility), but must not create resistance to change. 


Understanding and overcoming resistance to change

Behaviors could be listed and that can be noticed in the chaotic or disrupted dynamics: 

¦ Avoidance syndrome for those who refuse to see reality

¦ Catalog syndrome for those who categorize actors' communities to excess and lock them into predetermined behaviors

¦ Tetany Syndrome for those who are unable to decide as soon as complexity gains

In other words, we must develop our ability to overcome these syndromes and integrate this or these degrees of uncertainty to avoid resistance and for some to fail.

This is why the analysis of symptoms and the treatment of their causes are essential.

Our leverage is first of all non-financial to reach a financial level.

KPIs are not an end in themselves, but a means of acting to achieve strategies and which financial objectives are criteria of sustainability. 

What part of the responsibilities entrust to the leadership statutory and what else can be attributed to a participatory process?  

We say, see you soon!!! 👌

👉 Training consulting

Training consultant within de Publika Group

Value Management - SAV + VA Canada

EN 12973:2020 

2 oct. 2024

🌟 Certification

QLCW : The quality of life and conditions at work

June 17th to June 21st, 2024 

Wishing to meet your need, We say... see you Soon!!! 🙂

Publication of the E-book "Power of Hybridization" - 🎧 PODCAST - 2024

Customer Culture - Process - Quality


Develop your business®

👉 Our model has been enriched

Partner - QLCW

May 6, 2024

Workshop - SkillConnection

May 14, 2024

Security - BPE_Innova-cso

ITIL V4 - Service Value System

Communication in project mode®

🌟 Coaching for Leaders and Managers

Improve your users capability - Facilate pre and post training

April 24, 2023

Learning Technologies France 2023, 1-2 February 2023

Paris, Porte de Versailles, Hall 7.1. 

Management & QLCW : A strong connection

Jan 29, 2023

Safe® within enterprise

Inclusive economic renewal

🥳 QLCW : The quality of life and conditions at work

How can we help you in your change initiative ? Tell us!

 👉 Opinions Survey

As part of the Hybrid Lab, a conference is organized by the Hauts de France branch of the Project Management Institute France .

Improve employees mental health

Our partner ->IDF Consulting

We wanted to share this!

User experience, Digital transformation
November 23, 2017

EDB Postgres Boot Camp

November 22, 2017

Maslow - Herzberg

  • Professional and personal needs
  • Personality and motivations


A market knowledge, crafts and new technological processes to develop tailor-made solutions....

  • Organizations and people
  • Information and technologies
  • Partners and Providers
  • Value flows and processes

Our CSFs for the value of the objective to be achieved and our KPIs for the value of current performance.

At the compagny-wide, OKRs key objectives which are define through S.T.A.R.

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  22, Route de Saint-Ouen

     80780 Saint-Léger-Lès-Domart

 MONDAY-FRIDAY : 9 -13 Am | 14 -19 Pm